{ art & other musings }


Saturday, October 16, 2010

"caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins"


Slug: I didn’t know I was going to have another [kid], honestly. But then two years ago, my wife was like, ‘Let’s have a kid.’ I was hesitant at first. I had all these reasons why I wouldn’t have another kid. Any excuse you could think of: I’m too busy. I’m too selfish. The carbon footprint of having a child. And then she said something to me that clicked. She said, ‘If you really want to make the world a better place, you’ve got to have kids and raise ‘em right. You’ve got to balance out all of the idiots that are having kids.

I was like, I can’t argue with that. It just is so logical to me, because really, I recycle, but that’s not saving the f—in’ people. It might be helping the deer in the long term. It might be helping the bears that we recycle, but we’re not gonna save the people because the people are still on a self-destructive mission. So it’s like, yeah, she’s right, the only way to save the f—in’ planet is to make f—in’ awesome kids.

(source: interview by Ben Salmon; Turning the page: Slug on Atmosphere’s new babies, new music)